In the last six months I've been writing a couple of tools that reads some data from a csv file, calculate statistics on them and output the results to another csv file. The input file was usually generated by a website (AdWords/AdSense and so...) and the output file was supposed to be consumed by an sql bulk insert or just for view by excel.
All these requirement needed that I would be able to read and write proper csv files.
Using Josh Close's
CsvHelper made this mission really simple. For example this is a basic reading code:
public IEnumerable<Input> Read(string fileName)
using(var fileReader = File.OpenText(fileName))
using(var csvReader = new CsvHelper.CsvReader(fileReader))
while (csvReader.Read())
var record = csvReader.GetRecord<Input>();
yield return record;
Notice the elegant ORM, just define the columns you wish to read in a data class and the reader will do all the mapping for you (If you wish to map the data yourself it is possible, and I even used it once for a generic reader, but why?).
And here is a writing example:
public void Write(string fileName, IEnumerable
You can even control the column name and index with the CsvFieldAttribute:
public class Record
[CsvField(Name="very important data")]
public string SomeData { get; set; }
[CsvField(Index = 4)]
public int SomeNumericData { get; set; }
Cool, isn't it?
There are some things I wish to point:
1. CsvReader doesn't need to know about all the columns in the file, only the ones you wish to read (ActiveRecord, try to learn from this...:-)).
2. In the past encoding was not controled by the consumer of the lib. We had a problem with files comming from foreign servers with different encoding, but the CsvReader was using
CultureInfo.CurrentCulture. Luckily this is no longer so, you can specify "
UseInvariantCulture" in CsvConfiguration.
3. CsvWriter is always adding a NewLine at the end of each file. Because of our need in bulk insert validation, we needed to remove this line. Since I had some time back then I wroting this simple decorater over TextWriter, that only flushs the last line if it's not empty:
public class CustomTextWriter : TextWriter
private readonly TextWriter baseWriter;
private string lastLine;
private bool disposed;
public CustomTextWriter(string fileName)
baseWriter = new StreamWriter(fileName, false, Encoding.Unicode);
disposed = false;
public override Encoding Encoding
get { return Encoding.Unicode; }
public override void WriteLine(string value)
if (lastLine != null)
lastLine = value;
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
disposed = true;
Well, I hope this has been helpful and that you might use it your self :-). If you do, you are more then invited to share in the comments section.